
Sophie Foundation on LinkedIn

SophieFoundation on LinkedIn

Post on LinkedIn gets over 25,000 views and generates over EUR 15,000 in donations

Our recent post on LinkedIn got over 25,000 views and 250 likes and – most importantly – generated over EUR 15,000  in new donations for the research pilot we will support about the microbiome of the premature at Harvard Medical School and the Amsterdam University Medical Center. Thank you!

Here’s the full text of our post on LinkedIn:

“It’s a year ago that my husband Marco van Kalleveen and I launched the Sophie Foundation ( with the mission to help prevent premature births and to support prematurely born babies, their parents, and caregivers. A topic close to our hearts.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported us!

With gratitude, we look back at the first year. With your help, we were able to practically support the front line teams of doctors and nurses at the NICU of VUmc academic hospital in Amsterdam with tools and equipment, as they professionally, passionately and caringly fight to save babies’ lives 24/7.

Our next goal is to fund the pilot phase of cutting-edge academic research between Harvard Medical School and the Amsterdam UMC into the microbiome of the premature, to help further improve the nutrition given to prematurely born babies in this crucial phase of the development of their immune system.

Please see for more details and easy ways to donate. Thank you!”

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